For 2013 NVM are pleased to announce the launch of our new Wired Safety Edge System.
Simple and easy to install, the new Safety Edge System will fit all common Garage Door Systems, Industrial Doors and Shutters. Available in a range of gaskets, the system is supplied in an easy to install kit, with all gaskets available in either pre-cut lengths or in rolls of up to 50 metres.
The system is fully resistive, functions with our monitored Control Panels and is fully compliant.
The system is fully functional with our range of Controller / Receivers including our NT1103 Garage Door Controller and NT1006 Basic Controller.
The wide range of Rubber Gaskets will suit any installation from a Garage Door to an Industrial Roller Shutter, to a Traffic Barrier, and all designed to work on a single Transmitter.
The system is supplied pre-assembled for installation either directly into the bottom lath or fitted into an aluminium track.
For further information contact 01282 615239 or email sales@nvmgroup.co.uk